Month: May 2013

Bio Hack

After the winter holidays in 2012 I played CMU’s Eterna for several weeks, often for hours at a stretch. My addiction lasted about 6 weeks or so, as I recall. Eterna isn’t a game, really, although the ranking system did

When Will AI Be Created?

I found this article from the good folks at the Machine Intelligence Research Institute to be a good read. To save you the trouble, the bottom line is, nobody knows. Some folks say maybe by 2040. Others, sooner (Kurzweil), like

Quantum Hack

NY Time Blog headline this morning: Google Buys a Quantum Computer Teaming with NASA, they’re forming the Quantum Artificial Intelligence Lab (QAIL) to focus on machine learning. Better search will come, one supposes. I missed the announcement of the first

Foundation and Empire

Is it possible to predict global conflict? For those sired on Asimov’s work, the title of this post will be familiar. You may recall psychohistory, Isaac’s early-50s term for the mathematical mashup of history, sociology, and statistics used to make

Brain Jack

“I can imagine a cognitive prosthesis–some digital mnemonic device that extends my personal storage capacity in some way, but accessed directly via my own thoughts, as if it were an integral part of my own cognitive system.” — The Artisan

Love and Money and in an Indeterminate Age

Peter Thiel’s Strategy Quadrant PayPal founder Peter Thiel is obviously a prescient individual with ample cognitive gifts. You should take the time to view his session at SXSW this year: You are Not a Lottery Ticket The future has always
